Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Timberline Lodge to Olallie Lake

After we updated our last entry, we checked out and took a shower before getting the lunch buffet again! Yum! There were new things to choose from... food is so exciting for us. We ran into Hippo and Thirsty again- they left last night and camped a mile or so from Timberline Lodge but came back in the morning because it was so windy. Everyone was talking about it. After eating lunch, though, we decided to venture out into the wind. We can't afford to stay another night here. We covered up intensely with as little skin showing as possible.  
After about 11 miles of hiking, we camped next to a restop near Hwy 20. While searching for a stealth spot to camp, Dangit heard Ferd exclaim, "What the?! I think I was just stung by something." Dangit looked around and saw a swarm of flying critters near her feet-- perhaps ground wasps. Without missing a beat, she looked up and said, "Yep... looks like some bees or something." We quickly ran away. That's the second time Ferd has been stung by a critter on this trip. We decided to set up camp in a more conspicuous area, set up the tarps because it was still quite windy, eat a snack (we were still really full from the buffet) and hit the sack.
hiker trash part 3
Ferd icing Fat Knee

Little Crater Lake
Ferd's knee is HUGE! His other knee is still a little weak and now he has Fat Knee to deal with as well. We stopped by Little Crater Lake and ate some lunch... Ferd also took the opportunity to ice Fat Knee in the 34 degree water. We passed a lot of dirt roads today and ate dinner by one before completing a 20 mile day and camping in the forest-- we triples checked that there were no wasps where we set up camp. Lots of huckleberries to eat. Yum. 
Fat Knee
The next day we hiked 23 miles to Olallie Lake, which is amazing! We walked through a recent burn area where it was still smoking. 
walking through our first recent burn area


The trail was super flat so the day flew by and before we knew it, we were at Olallie Lake's food shop by 7pm. We got some Oreos and some sugary drinks and talked with some other hikers-- Freebird (who has hiked the PCT 2 times, the AT 3 times and the CDT 1 time- woah!) and Raven. Then, we headed back to Head Lake to make camp. 

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